Darnell Ingram, general counsel for the Baltimore Department of Public Works, testifies before the Board of Estimates Wednesday about a consent order between the city and state for the Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant. (Christine Condon)
Baltimore’s spending board unanimously app
The Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) has announced a major investment in an iron ore processing upgrade at Tacora Resources Inc’s Scully operation in Wabush , Newfoundland and Labrador. Yvonne Jones, Member of Parliament for Labrador, announced a repayable investment of $3.
The Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) has announced a major investment in an iron ore processing upgrade at Tacora Resources Inc’s Scully operation in Wabush , Newfoundland and Labrador. Yvonne Jones, Member of Parliament for Labrador, announced a repayable investment of $3.
Last month, a new COVID-19 variant from the omicron family spread across Oregon, causing a seventh wave of infections.
On paper, this seventh wave hasn’t looked particularly impressive, peaking in late May at about 1,500 new cases reported per day. But data from sewage samples collecte
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SAN FRANCISCO , June 22, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The global water and wastewater treatment equipment market size was valued at USD 53.24 billion in 2021 and is expected to expand by a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.1% from 2022 to 2030.
Editor’s note: The fetus was reportedly found at the industrial wastewater treatment facility on River Terminal Road. This facility is not part of the city water treatment system, as was originally reported.
NATCHEZ — Authorities have recovered the remains of what appears to be a
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The board also approved a special amusement permit for the First Baptist Church Carnival.
LIVERMORE FALLS — Selectmen voted Tuesday to approve the purchase of a control panel for a dewatering centrifuge at the sewage treatment plant.
June 10, 2022 09:14 ET | Source: ReportLinker ReportLinker
New York, June 10, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Reportlinker.com announces the rel
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+44 (0)20 7454 5110 from 8 AM - 5:30 PM GMT
SAN FRANCISCO , June 22, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The global water and wastewater treatment equipment market size was valued at USD 53.24 billion in 2021 and is expected to expand by a
U.S. Rep. Richard E. Neal, D-Springfield, visits the West Parish water plant in Westfield on Friday, June 10, 2022. (Jim Kinney photo)
WESTFIELD — The Springfield Water and Sewer Commission’s 250,000 customers across the lower Pioneer Valley might take the water in their tap for gra