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By Lisa Sorg, NCPolicyWatch.com Sewage backing up into people’s showers and flowing along the streets in Currituck County. Millions of gallons of hog waste flooding streams and wetlands Down East. Wastewater issues at student apartments near Appalachian State and Western Carolina universit
WARM SPRINGS, Ore. — Erland Suppah Jr. doesn’t trust what comes out of his faucet.
Each week, Suppah and his girlfriend haul a half-dozen large jugs of water from a distribution center run by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs to their apartment for everything from drinking to c
Two Rhode Island wastewater treatment facilities receive upgrades & recognition
The Smithfield Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) processes an average of 2 million gallons of water per day (mgd), serving approximately 20,000 customers in the town of Smithfield, Rhode Island. Smit
Las Cruces Utilities has many programs that keep residents safe. However, unless there is industry knowledge — having worked at a restaurant or large industrial plant — most people may never know all of what goes on to keep our water safe. For example, LCU’s Pollution Prevention program
DUBLIN, December 07, 2021--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "Brazilian Municipal Water and Wastewater Treatment Growth Opportunities" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
The Brazilian municipal water and wastewater treatment market constitutes 5,565 municipalities i
Top: Kamila Rashid says an oil refinery now sits on what used to be her family’s land. All photos by LYNZY BILLING for UNDARK
I t’s 6 p.m. and the pink-tinged skies turn black above Agolan, a village on the outskirts of Erbil in the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq. Thick plumes
SES, formerly known as SolidEnergy Systems, and ENTEK Membranes have entered into an exclusive supply agreement for innovative separator materials in the development and production of high-energy Li-Metal rechargeable batteries. Both headquartered in the US with global presence, SES and ENTEK
It might be difficult for people browsing around fashion stores to imagine that the displayed bags and clothes with pretty patterns that look like leather are made from the recycled fruit and food waste left on their tables or in the trash.
But it's nearly a dream come true, thanks to
First Selectman Kevin Moynihan and consultant Mark Robbins stood near New Canaan Town Hall during an early phase of the energy initiative, when solar panels were first installed on the roof. Since then, three other town buildings have solar systems and two town structures have combined heat an